VT7350F5031B | Viconics | Thermostats & Controllers





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product specifications



Supply Voltage (Nominal)

24 VAC

product series specifications

Supply Voltage: 19-30 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Control Accuracy: Temperature, ±0.9°F (±0.5°C)

VT7350C50xx, VT7350F50x: Dehumidification, ±5% RH from 20% to 80% RH

Control Outputs: See terminal designation table

VT7200C50xx: 5 triacs (H/C, 2-position or floating control)

VT7200F50xx: 1 triac, 2 analog outputs (H/C proportional 0 to 10 VDC)

VT7300C50xx, VT7350C50xx: 3 relays (fan), 5 triacs (H/C, 2-position or floating control)

VT7300F50xx, VT7350F50xx: 3 relays (fan), 1 triac, 2 analog outputs (H/C proportional 0 to 10 VDC)

Triacs and relays: 30 VAC, 1A, 3A inrush

Analog outputs: 0-10 VDC, 2KO minimum impedance, direct or reverse acting

Auxiliary Inputs: 2 digital inputs, 1 universal input, 1 remote sensor

Configurable as

Service/status reminders

Door/window/motion sensor switch

Filter alarm

Central night setback clock

Remote occupied override switch

Heat/Cool changeover, contact or sensor

Digital Inputs:Dry contact

Universal Input: Dry contact or 10K Type 2 Model 24 thermistor

Display: Two-line backlit LCD, ±0.2°F (±0.1°C)

Thermostat Type: Zone (VT7200) or FCU (VT7300)

Cover Controls

Zone Models

Up/down/override buttons

Heat/Cool "on" LEDs

FCU Models Up/down/°C or°F fan/mode buttons

Fan/Heat/Cool "on" LEDs

Remote Sensor: Thermistor, 10K Type 2 Model 24

Control Type: Proportional plus integral (PI)

Proportional Band: Heating and cooling, 2°F (1.1°C)

Floating Time Base: Adjustable, 0.5 to 9 minutes

Cycles Per Hour: Adjustable 3 to 8

Override Timer: 0 to 24 hours, 1-hour increments, pushbutton reset

Sensor Offset: Adjustable ±5°F (±2.5°C), ±15% RH (humidity models)

Deadband: Adjustable 2° to 5°F (1° to 2.5°C)

Setpoint: Adjusted depending on heating or cooling mode, heating and cooling setpoints are changed simultaneously with respect to the deadband

Cooling limits: 54° to 100°F (12°C to 37.7°C)

Heating limits: 40° to 90°F (4.5° to 32°C)

Keypad Lockout: Selectable system/fan/unoccupied

System Setting: O=off, H=heating, C=cooling, A=automatic changeover

(FCU models): O/C, O/H, O/A/H/C, H/O/C

Fan Setting: L=low, M=medium, H=high, A=auto

(FCU models): L/M/H, L/H, L/M/H/A, L/H/A, On/A

Wiring: 18 AWG maximum, 22 AWG recommended

Color: White

Mounting: Standard vertical, 2" x 4" box

Operating Temperature: 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C)

Operating Humidity: 0 to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Enclosure Rating: UL FR1, flame retardant plastic

Dimensions: 4.94"H x 3.38"W x 1.13"D (12.5 x 8.6 x 2.9 cm)

Weight: 0.75 lb (0.34 kg)

Approvals: UL Listed File #E234137, cULus, CE, LonMark

Warranty: 1 year

product series features

  • BACnet or LON communication models
  • Stand-alone operation on communication loss
  • Two-position, floating, or proportional models
  • Remote room sensor option
  • Adjustable deadband
  • Single setpoint adjustment
  • Setpoint range limits (heating and cooling)
  • Three configurable inputs for any of: night setback, setback override, motion sensor, door or window switch, filter alarm, service advisory, heat/cool changeover degrees F/ degrees C (configurable)
  • Display offset
  • Adjustable temporary occupied time
  • Heat, cool, and reheat time base outputs are configurable
  • Direct or reverse acting (proportional models)
  • Keypad lockout functions
  • Dehumidification control models
  • Three-speed fan control (FCU model)
  • Selectable system control (FCU model)
  • PIR cover sensor (Optional)

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Series Description

The Viconics VT7200 Zone thermostats are digital-display, heating / cooling, with outputs for two-position, floating, and proportional terminal unit control. They are ideal for baseboard heat, unit heaters, radiant panels, reheat, or VAV box (pressure-dependent) control. VT7300 Fan Coil Unit (FCU) thermostats are digital-display, heating / cooling, with outputs for two-position, floating, or proportional control. In addition, they include multi-speed fan relays for high, medium, and low fan speed control. Both thermostats offer remote temperature sensor and remote digital inputs configured for night setback, filter alarm, motion sensor, door/window switch, or service indication. All models offer standard BACnet or LON open-protocol communications.

Kele Description


