MTL7706+ | Cooper Crouse-Hinds MTL | Hazardous Locations

IS Barrier Digital 4-20 Ma Output

Brand:Cooper Crouse-Hinds MTL



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product specifications


DIN rail


4 - 20 mA


Safety Barrier


24 VDC

product series specifications

Supply Current: 45 mA typical @ 20 mAl with 24 VDC supply; 60 mA maximum @ 20 mA with a 20 VCD supply

Supply Voltage: 20-35 VDC

Accuracy: 2

Maximum Safe Area Voltage: 250 VAC/VDC

Safe Area Load: 500 O maximum

Transmitter: 16 VDC minimum @ 20 mA with 250 O load; 11 VDC @ 20 mA with 500 O load

product series features

  • FM entity approval Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G
  • BASEEFA approval EEx ia, IIC
  • DIN rail mounting with integral intrinsic safety ground
  • Compact size

more information & related documents

Series Description

The MTL7000, MTL7700 and MTL5000 Series of ultra-slim intrinsic safety barriers is the worldwide standard in protection and accuracy for intrinsically safe sensing and controlling devices in hazardous locations. Each intrinsically safe barrier limits the amount of electrical energy that can be transmitted into the hazardous area to a level below the ignition energy of even the worst-case explosive mixture of fuel and air. The safety barrier protection remains intact even in the event of two simultaneous faults, thus providing the highest possible safety rating for this type of system. All MTL7000, MTL7700 and MTL5000 Series barriers are FM approved for use in intrinsically safe systems under the entity concept and can thus be applied with the widest possible array of intrinsically safe devices. Designed for ease of installation, these barriers provide a positive intrinsic safety ground through the DIN rail. These safety barriers are proven performers in building automation systems, BAS, and HVAC applications. Isolating spacers are available for applications in which the intrinsic safety ground must be separate from the mounting panel's earth ground (ANSI / ISA RP-12.6 specifies grounding requirements).

Kele Description



Cooper Crouse-Hinds MTL