AC to DC – Linear Versus Switch-Mode Power Supplies

For years, Kele has provided dependable, quality 24 VDC power supplies like the DCP-1.5-W, DCPA-1.2, DCP-250, PW2, and the SLS Series. All of these DC power supplies are “linear” power supplies. Another type of DC power supply gaining popularity with building automation and temperature control contractors is called a “switch-mode” power supply (PS6R Series). While both linear and switch-mode power supplies ultimately perform the same task, it is the design technique used to convert AC voltage to DC and the resulting advantages that differentiate the two types.

How they work

To convert AC voltage to 24 VDC, a linear power supply first uses a relatively big, heavy transformer to step down the AC line voltage to a lower voltage around 30 VAC. The transformer also provides electrical isolation by separating the AC line neutral or ground from the power supply’s output. The reduced AC voltage is rectified into a pulsating DC voltage using one (half-wave) or two/four (full-wave) diodes. The pulsating DC voltage is then filtered or smoothed using a large value electrolytic capacitor. Finally, the filtered DC voltage is controlled by a linear regulator to output a constant voltage, even with variations of the input line voltage, the output load, and temperature. The regulator also helps to suppress any output ripple voltage.

Switch-mode power supplies use a different method to convert AC to DC. First, the 60 Hz AC line voltage is rectified and filtered using diodes and capacitors resulting in DC high voltage. Power transistors, typically switching at a preset frequency anywhere from 20 kHz to 500 kHz, convert the high voltage to a higher frequency AC. The high frequency AC is then reduced to a lower voltage using a relatively small, lightweight transformer. Finally, the voltage is converted into the desired DC output voltage by another set of diodes, inductors, and capacitors. Corrections to the output voltage due to load or input changes are achieved by adjusting the pulse width of the high frequency waveform.

Advantages and drawbacks

Size and weight

Linear power supplies operating at 60 Hz require relatively large and heavy transformers. Because switch-mode supplies operate at high frequencies, much smaller transformers are used, making switchers substantially lighter and more compact. For example, a 7.2A output linear supply weighs 14 pounds, mostly due to the large transformer required. However, a 10A output switch-mode supply weighs only 4.4 pounds. The small size and light weight of switch-mode supplies make them well suited for DIN rail mounting in control panels.

Linear supplies that are available with a single voltage input transformer must be ordered for a particular application. Some linears have multi-tap input transformers allowing some application flexibility but they still must be manually tapped for the correct input voltage in the field. Most switch-mode supplies will operate with any voltage from 85 to 264 VAC connected directly to their input, without manual configuration.


After filtering and regulating, some small amount of undesirable AC voltage will still remain superimposed on the DC output of a power supply. Linear power supplies are quite effective at minimizing noise. A typical specification for noise on the output of a linear power supply is 3 mV peak-to-peak or 0.0125% of a 24 VDC output. Switch-mode power supplies are noisier with a typical maximum specification of 2% of the output voltage or 480 mV on a 24 VDC supply. While some applications like audio equipment or very delicate test equipment may be sensitive to noise on the output of a switch-mode supply, most BAS/HVAC control applications will not be adversely affected.


The efficiency of a power supply is the ratio of its total output power to its total input power. Linear power supplies operate with only 40% to 60% efficiency due to energy lost in the form of heat dissipated through large heat sinks. Switch-mode power supplies are much more efficient, operating around 80% to 90%.


Linear power supplies have been proven to be reliable but operate somewhat inefficiently. They are relatively noise-free but are generally heavy and bulky because they require large transformers.

In contrast, switch-mode power supplies are small, lightweight, and highly efficient. Although they produce more noise on their output than linear supplies, that is not a factor for most BAS applications.

Whether you need linear or switch-mode, count on Kele to make it easy for you to find the best power supply for your application.

Does Your Building Own its Energy Destiny?

Those of you who have read some of my past blogs have probably gathered by now that I’m fascinated by the intersection of building automation, energy and the coming Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. What captivates me most about this collision of previously tangentially related and/or non-existent industries? The monumental shift of perception I believe we are witnessing of the relationship between buildings and energy.

Historically, buildings have been viewed simply as high intensity energy users and rightfully so. Today, commercial buildings alone account for upwards of 40% of all electricity usage in the US at a cost of roughly $160 billion annually. Building automation arose decades ago to serve the need of not only assuring environmental comfort and safety but also helping lower a building’s energy load and the corresponding energy expenses borne by owners/occupants. There has been amazing progress in building automation and energy efficiency (e.g., better materials, mechanical and electrical systems controls advancements) and grid technology (e.g., smart meters, interval pricing, demand response capabilities) since those first days, but buildings are still simplistically viewed as merely a consumer of energy. Increasingly, however, owners are beginning to rethink their building’s relationship with energy and envision value they can derive from these capital-intensive, physical footprints far beyond a place to simply conduct business that only consumes (no matter how efficiently) energy. People are starting to talk about buildings both as tangible, competitive advantages and sources of new revenue streams and energy is the common denominator.

I read an article today that does an excellent job of highlighting this shift in mindset. The article’s author, Erich Gunther of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), uses the term Smart Buildings 1.0 for the first integration interval of building automation and grid technology where the initial focus has fittingly been on increasing the bottom line via energy efficiency, demand response opportunities and automation technology advancements. The next phase, which he logically calls Smart Buildings 2.0, is, “less about efficiencies and more about corporate energy destinies”. This iteration implies greater control over where, how and when energy is both generated and consumed by a building. Some call this next step in energy control the ability to “island” or go “net-zero”.

So when and why might this ability to control ones “energy destiny” be important? That’s a bit of a rhetorical question, as most folks understand that a business’ productivity level is still very much tied to its access to reliable energy. During major power outage events resulting from natural disaster or grid failure, which have doubled (it’s important to note) over the period 2001-2008 according to Energy Information Administration (IEA), a business’ operations can grind to a halt without a holistic energy strategy/contingency plan while its competitor, located on the other side of the country (or world for that matter) and unaffected by the event, quickly picks up where they left off taking the customer relationship with them.  Control of ones “energy destiny” quickly begins to look like a vital piece of a proactive, forward thinking organization’s Business Continuity Plan.

Under Smart Buildings 2.0, business continuity, viewed through the lens of energy independence, will focus more on renewable, onsite sources of energy generation that allow a building or campus to continue business-as-usual during momentary grid outages and keep mission critical, customer facing functions up and running even in the event an outage that lasts for weeks. Although Gunther only touches on this lightly, I believe the building automation system will be the key enabler of an organization’s ability to ramp up or down power generation and/or consumption and dictate the hierarchy of where onsite generated energy is delivered. I believe that orchestrating both supply (i.e., power generation) and load (i.e., power consumption) side actions will be a critical function of tomorrow’s intelligent building automation/management systems. As buildings become more “energy autonomous” in the future, building automation systems will evolve dramatically to empower this complex level of inter-dependency with the grid and some level of self-sufficiency.

What role(s) do you see building automation systems playing in enabling an organization to own its energy destiny? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or other energy related news affecting our industry.

Belimo Zip Economizer – Time Saver!

The Belimo Zip Economizer is really a cool product that captured my attention.  If you are or were in the field like I was, I’m sure you’ve struggled just as I did with the “Black Box” style of economizer modules.  They could be difficult to commission at start-up if the OSA (outside air) was not cool enough for economizing.  Also, after installation, troubleshooting the “Black Box” style module was an extremely difficult challenge at best.  There was almost no way to tell what the unit was doing or what mode it was in.  Belimo’s design team must have had input from field techs because they have designed a product that is easy to install and commission.  It is also a breeze to troubleshoot, making it easy to determine if there is a problem and what that problem is.

The “Zip” in Zip Economizer stands for zip code, as in your postal zip code.  No more fumbling with graphs and temperature curves to determine the settings or cross-referencing energy codes.  All you have to do is enter the 5-digit zip code and you are done.  Now THAT is cool!!!  This step will also set up the economizer operation for compliance with all of the following codes and standards.

  • ASHRAE 90.1 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings
  • IECC – International Energy Conservation Code
  • California Title 24 – California building energy efficiency standard
  • NECB – National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings

This cool Econ-Zip Economizer also has an LCD display that shows live status information, alarms and failures, and also operating history.  Check out these features and don’t overlook the 5-year warranty.

Belimo Zip Economizer Features

With the unit’s plug-and-play design, you only have to worry about setting up the features you want.  For example: the module, on it’s own, will work perfectly with just the Econ-Zip-10K temperature sensors installed.  However, if you want the Econ-Zip to control by calculated enthalpy, simply install the Econ-Zip-TH sensors, which measure temperature and humidity. The Econ-Zip recognizes the sensors and self-configures to control by enthalpy.  But wait!  Need a CO2 input?  The Econ-Zip-EM Energy Module provides additional I/Os to offer demand-controlled ventilation.  Any of Kele’s CO2 sensors can be used as long as there’s a 0-10 VDC output.

Belimo has included a manual mode, which can be used during commissioning or troubleshooting.  All components can be tested in the manual mode except for the thermostat.  The manual mode includes an economizer test, used to verity RTU integrated economizer operation.  The ventilation test allows adjustment to the damper minimum position for verification of ventilation rates.  The RTU test is used to test the signals from the thermostat to the RTU.  The DCV test is used for testing the CO2 input and setpoint.

In my opinion, Belimo did their homework, sharpened their pencils, listened to input from the field, and designed a really cool product that “makes it easy” to economize.  If it is as reliable as their valves and actuators, the Econ-Zip is sure to be a hit.  I can only say I wished I’d had this around during my field years.

Visit the Econ-Zip product page to learn more and to purchase. You can also check out this video.  The Econ-Zip as well as the full Belimo line of products can be found at Kele.  And don’t forget Kele’s technical support.  If you have questions on any of our products or questions on applications, please feel free to contact us.


Our Coming Transactive Energy Economy

While scanning through the building automation and energy industry news recently I came across a term I hadn’t heard before. The term, Transactive Energy, piqued my interest and upon reading further I found this article from The Energy Collective website to be excellent in succinctly describing where I believe our electricity market is headed; and the implications its evolution will have on the building automation space. As I’ve touched on in a previous blog, the utility industry’s business model is shifting, albeit slowly, given the level of investment the industry has made in the current infrastructure/model, and this shift will have an increasingly dramatic effect on almost all industries (everybody needs energy, right?). Given the fact that commercial buildings consume upwards of 40% of all energy produced in the U.S., building automation has played and will continue to play a critical role in this massive market transformation.

Transactive Energy is a newly coined term, so new in fact that at the time of this writing Wikipedia didn’t even have an entry for it. To help give you a better idea of what it is, I’ll lean on the definition Christine Hertzog, author of the aforementioned article, gives. “Transactive energy is a software-defined, low-voltage distribution grid that enables market participation by distributed energy resources (DER) bidding generation of negawatts or kilowatts.” I find this coming reality of smart meters, distributed energy generation and automated demand response (ADR) fascinating to think about in general, but especially in the places where it intersects with the building automation industry.

Following Hertzog’s thread, I believe we are headed toward a very different energy market in the coming decades than what we see today. I envision a more democratized and efficient energy ecosystem made up of distributed prosumer (a portmanteau made up of producer and consumer) nodes that allows market forces (i.e., financial incentives) to direct the flow of energy to where it is most valued (i.e., where the highest price will be paid) for either consumption or storage purposes. For example, a commercial or industrial building owner/operator with onsite combined wind and solar power (i.e., kilowatt generation) coupled with energy storage capability in the form of battery banks or fly-wheels and the ability to quickly shed load (i.e., negawatt generation) in the case of a Demand Response (DR) event via its Building Energy Management System (BEMS) with sophisticated, automated demand limiting capabilities will look to maximize the return on investment from their collective energy production/consumption system in conjunction with the value they could create via their core business (e.g., manufacturing) by automatically buying energy, selling energy (either what they produced in real-time or previously produced and stored or bought off the grid and stored) from or to the grid in which is operates or shedding load at any given time based on the given rate/kWh at that point in time.

Where I think this is vitally important when considering the future of our industry is the fact that one of the key enablers of this reality will be the integration of the BEMS with both onsite, distributed generation and the smart grid. Buildings will not only cease being islands unto themselves with respect to energy consumption but will also play an active and critical role in the energy ecosystem as both energy producing and consuming (i.e., prosumers) entities. I believe our building automation systems will quickly evolve to be the brains necessary for a building or network of buildings that manage all aspects of its energy system allowing them to become active participants within the broader energy ecosystem I refer to above.

What are your thoughts on where the utility markets are heading and what implications do you see this having on the building automation industry? Do you foresee an expanded role of the traditional BMS similar to the one I allude to or is this science fiction? Please share your thoughts on this or any other related topic. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what I see as a fascinating future for building automation.

Who’s afraid of the IoT (Internet of Things)?

A few weeks back I blogged about the IoT (Internet of Things) and its historical ties to and implications for the building automation industry. Given factors I discussed there and in another blog where I talked about the democratization of building controls, the intelligence of building automation systems is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years, creating an integrated network of points within buildings and beyond that could help us reach the holy grail of our industry: a building (or network of buildings) that controls and monitors itself without human intervention other than preventive maintenance/repair.

This is totally awesome right? Well, it is an awesome vision and one that I hope we see come to fruition sooner rather than later, but there is a chink in the armor. Ironically, this reality’s Achilles heel is also the very same thing that makes it so powerful: internet connectivity. You see, for building intelligence to reach the point I speak about above, systems will need smarts (and varying degrees of autonomy) down to the device level and the power of these smarts is only realized when the devices are allowed to communicate something about themselves and/or their environment, or better yet, do something beneficial for themselves or others with the information they gather. So why, you might ask, is this a bad thing? Well, device “empowerment” is not bad, but once Pandora’s box is opened….You know the story.

Security (i.e., control) in a world where more “things” are already connected to the internet than humans has long been seen as a significant (if not ultimately self-destructive) problem for the IoT.  In an example that hits very close to home for those of us in the building automation industry, I read today that Google recently learned (rather publicly) that a Tridium based BMS at one of its Australia based offices was breached by a couple of white hat hackers.  Fortunate for Google, these “ethical” hackers simply exposed the issue and didn’t exploit it.  In the hacker’s own words, “We didn’t (override the system to control the building automation system and gain access to any other systems on the same network)…but we could have!” Scary stuff when you think of not only the sensitive data that could be breached, but ways in which our physical world could be altered by someone with malicious intent.

So where does this lead us?  Should we shun the power of device-level embedded intelligence the IoT affords and steer customers away from this technological trend? No, of course not. To do so would surely be futile and to our financial detriment if not demise.  Plus, as much of our industry’s history has been, I see this as a story of curiosity and hope. Curiosity about the possibilities that lie ahead and hope for the benefits our buildings (and ultimately their occupants) will realize. Many in the IoT world say that the IoT’s applications are only limited by humanity’s ingenuity. In other words, they are limitless.

Security is and will remain a major consideration when designing building automation systems under the IoT revolution.  Inherent in the term “connected building” is the fact that these points of connectivity are two-way streets and ones that must be secured just as diligently (if not more so) than existing points where not only can information be breached but “things” can be controlled.  The IoT must help humanity achieve greater security and well-being not hinder it.

Please let us know of security issues you see with the coming IoT and/or hopes you have for the building automation systems of the future under this coming reality.

Spring Return Fail Safe Electric Motors

Consideration must be taken when designing a control system as to what happens when controllers fail or if there is a loss of power. This is referred 
to as fail-safe or spring return. Devices, like valves and dampers, can be made to fail in a position that provides a minimum amount of comfort control or, more importantly, protects expensive mechanical equipment and building integrity.

One example of this is an outside air damper on an air handler. Most outside air dampers are configured to close when there is a power failure. This protects water coils from cold air. Cold air can freeze coils and cause them to burst, leading to expensive repairs and further system down time.

Another example is on a hot water valve. Hot water valves can be set up to fail open to help protect coils from freezing and provides some degree of comfort control. Conversely steam valves are often set up to be fail closed. This is to protect equipment and, more importantly, people.

Achieving a fail position, being open or closed, is usually achieved by one of two methods: mechanical return or electric return.

Mechanical return usually involves a spring. Basically the electric motor works against a spring. When power is removed from the motor the spring contracts and moves the actuator to the fail position. Fail open or fail closed is usually dictated by the mounting orientation of the actuator.

Electric return, or capacitive discharge return, involves an electric storage device that is built into the actuator. The storage device, most likely a capacitor, discharges when power is lost and drives the actuator to the fail position. Usually the direction that electric return actuators fail in is determined by a selector switch.

Battery backup return is very similar to capacitive discharge return. The main difference is that a battery is used to store the electricity needed to power the actuator to the fail position. Due to their size, battery backup units are usually only found on very large valves.

That is pretty much the basics of spring return, fail-safe electric motors. There is a great amount of debate as to which is best. Spring return is proven technology that many still swear by. Electric return lost a good bit of credibility early on because the early units were unreliable but that has changed. Electric spring return units now benefit from improved design and are available in higher torque ratings than their spring return counterparts.

The Democratization of Building Controls

Yesterday I read an interesting article that focused on a cleantech startup’s recent venture capital funding success story. The company, Enlighted, provides smart lighting sensors and software that reduce a building’s power consumption. This concept is nothing novel to the building automation industry, however, according to the article, Enlighted has taken a bit of a different approach in that much of its system’s “smarts” are located in the sensors themselves. Their sensors not only control lighting fixtures much as a traditional lighting control sensor would do, they also monitor light levels, temperature, occupancy and power consumption for the 100 sq. ft. of floor space directly beneath them.

I raise this up as an interesting point in that historically a building automation system’s intelligence has been a monopoly for the central controller (or controllers if the mechanical and electrical systems were controlled independently). With the rise of systems and sensors like Enlighted’s, we may be seeing a major evolution toward decentralized, distributed “smarts” where sensors are tasked with more (and potentially disparate) duties and embedded with sophisticated decision making capabilities themselves. Tomorrow’s sensors may very well be analogous to what we call “controllers” today.

Another exciting trend we may be seeing, as I alluded to above, is a further blurring of the lines between historically separate building controls systems (e.g. HVAC, lighting, fire, security & access). This “systems integration” isn’t exactly new in our industry, but with smart and powerful multitasking sensors like Enlighted’s, integration of a building’s controls systems could be accomplished much cleaner (and hopefully less expensively) where each node (i.e., point) accomplishes what might be required of three separate sensors and their respective controllers today.

We’ll keep an eye on this technology and on the ever evolving nature of the building automation industry to make sure our customers have the best solutions for their clients. Please let us know of trends you see affecting our industry today and in the future and how Kele can better help “make it easy” for you!

Wireless is Becoming More Visible

New technology is always in some sense a little frightening and permeated with uncertainty, whether real or perceived. The very nature of it makes us cautious and reluctant to accept it. We then in turn, take smaller steps and fewer risks. While sometimes these new technologies give us cause to pause, it also offers us the greatest opportunities for growth.

Wireless, in our automated HVAC world, evokes a range of emotions and opinions from total avoidance to complete incorporation. Some have tried it and failed and wouldn’t touch it again, while others have used it and look for opportunities to use it again. Apart from any personal experiences with wireless, the wireless market and demand is only going to grow.

When we discuss the future we generally shrug our shoulders and give up on any notion that we can know what’s coming, but that’s not actually true. We can see, with a surprising amount of accuracy, what’s ahead for us. We can, to some degree, see the future!

Daniel Burris in his book, Flash Foresight, discusses two type of changes; cyclical and linear. Cyclical change oscillates or varies with time. Linear change is a change that occurs and never reverses itself. The demand for school work will change as schools open and close. That’s cyclical. However, the evolution of wireless will never reverse itself. It’s only going to get easier to use, have a longer range, work with more applications and have a greater demand. That’s linear change.

Wireless technology has changed our lives, from the earlier days of remote controls and the internet, to our smart phones. Wireless technology allows us to be mobile, connected and accessible all at the same time…it’s a liberator. That same technology we use for our personal lives is changing the building automation industry as well.  End users are demanding cost effective solutions to monitor and control their systems with flexibility and mobility.

As wireless technologies continue to grow, the availability of wireless products is increasing and the costs of wireless solutions continually go down. The benefits of wireless solutions are outweighing wired solutions at an increasing rate. At some point it will become more economical to install a wireless solution than it is to install a wired solution.

Andy Lin, Kele’s Product Manager for Wireless & Network Solutions has observed, ”Wireless is the future conduit for building automation and we are knocking on the door of hyper growth.” If you are thinking like Kele is thinking, you will want to be ready to capture as much of that market as you can. That’s why we are preparing now.

We are actively searching for more wireless sensors and products from more suppliers that can be incorporated into the building automation industry. We have a product manager dedicated to this effort and a staff to support and grow this line of products. Wireless can be challenging to apply that’s why Kele is focusing to make it easy for you to grow with us. Check out our network and wireless section at on a regular basis for exciting new products and solutions for your applications.

For more information on this exciting area of our HVAC world contact Andy at; or, if you have comments about this article, you can contact me as well;

Honeywell T775 Controller

I started at Kele about 19 years ago.  Over the years I’ve been fortunate to learn a good bit about controls from many very talented folks – mentors, fellow employees, industry experts, and customers.  It is easy to have favorites in my line of work.  Being in tech support over an extended period of time, I have a base of products that I lean on.  Usually it’s because a product is dependable, easy to use, and most importantly – it makes my customers happy.  One of those products is the Honeywell T775 series of standalone controllers.

There are many times where a full blown building automation controller is overkill and simple control devices, like thermostats, don’t give the flexibility to offer the desired level of control.  We get this call almost daily in the tech support pool.  While there are several standalone controllers out there to choose from they can be cumbersome for some “small” jobs.  Having to add on multiple modules to a basic controller adds complexity and cost.   That is where the Honeywell T775 shines.  This simple, cost effective controller can tackle many different control applications with one simple device.  Easy to use, saves time, saves money, it’s easy to see why the T775 is one of the favorites of the tech support group.

Here are some of the features the T775 lineup has to offer:

  • Easy to use graphical interface – it really is as easy as some smart phone applications
  • 14 different models to choose from – Boiler control, reset, temperature, and universal models
  • Optional NEMA 4X enclosures – for outdoor applications
  • Setback models with internal time clock – maximize energy savings with unoccupied control
  • Optional independent modulating output models – one controller for more than one task
  • Optional modulating high or low limit controls – protect expensive equipment
  • Reset models with simplified setup – changing control points based on environmental factors made easy

One of the most popular uses for the T775 is for controlling variable frequency drives in differential pressure applications, for both water and air. The simplicity of setup makes it ideal for these applications.

EXAMPLE: a VFD being used to control pressure in a building.

Parts List:
1) T775U Honeywell controller
1) Differential pressure transmitter (Kele DPA series, DPL series, Setra M264 series)
1) Room pressure sensor (Kele RPS, A-308-K)
1) Outdoor air pressure sensor (A-306-K)
Length of tubing (T-101, actual length determined by install)

The room pressure sensor (indoor sensor) and the outdoor air pressure sensor are piped accordingly to the high and low ports of the differential pressure transducer. The orientation of these sensors is determined by whether positive or negative building pressure is desired. If positive building pressure is required, pipe the indoor air sensor to the high port of the differential pressure transmitter and the outdoor pressure sensor to the low port. If negative building pressure is required pipe the outdoor pressure sensor to the high port of the differential pressure transmitter and the indoor pressure sensor to the low port. The differential pressure transmitter senses differential pressure and outputs an analog signal that is used as the input (process variable) to the T775 controller. The T775 modulates its output to control the speed of the fan based on the set point established in the controller setup.

T775 Controller Setup Diagrams

The ease of setup combined with the adjustability of the T775 makes this application easy.  The T775 uses an easy-to-read display and the setup is menu driven.  The graphical interface actually walks the user through the setup, which saves valuable time and money on the installation.  Pinpoint control with adjustable integral and derivative times is easy to achieve with the T775.  And that’s not just for this application, there are many others.  So the next time you have a “small” control job give Kele a call to discuss using the T775 and save yourself some time and money.

Building Automation and the Internet of Things (IOT)

A topic getting a lot of press these days (at least in the publications and on the websites I frequent) is the Internet of Things (IOT).  If this phrase is unfamiliar to you now, it probably won’t be for long.  We are headed toward a world of greater and greater connectivity and IOT will increasingly play a big part of this.

At a high level, IOT extends one of the greatest benefits of the internet now realized by humans (e.g., instantaneous global communication and connectivity) to things (i.e., machines, buildings, agricultural fields).  This reality is made possible by the integration of “smarts” (i.e., sensors coupled with a means of communications) within the things of our world.  The sensor costs and communication protocols have respectively fallen and evolved to such a degree that it is now economically and practically feasible to automate M2M (machine to machine) interaction.  It may still be a bit of science fiction, but it’s not unreasonable to imagine a future where a network of sensors in a corn field in Iowa that monitors and wirelessly communicates the current moisture and nutrient levels of the soil to kick on the irrigation system when necessary and/or alert the farmer via a text message to apply more potassium.

IOT, as fascinating as it is at this early stage, is really just an evolution of what has been going on in the building automation industry over the past three decades or so. “Smarts” have been in buildings for quite some time now.  A simple example of this is the lowly room temperature sensor that communicates to a controller that its max set point has been exceeded.  The controller, in turn, receives this information and communicates to an actuator that it needs to open the damper it controls allowing cool air to enter the room.  This damper will remain open until the temperature sensor’s reading falls below its set point and the controller sends a signal for it to close the damper.

The next generation of building automation, influenced and enabled by IOT, will differ in both scope and scale from its historic form described above.  In the future, it won’t be commonplace to simply measure the temperature of a room or CFM of fresh air being brought into an office building.  Nor will a building be able to operate in isolation as as single energy consuming entity.  IOT will bring more connections both within a building and links to the world outside.

Looking at changes within, sensors of all forms and fashion will monitor and control nearly every aspect of a building’s life.  From lumens of sunlight coming through windows used to adjust the output of artificial light produced to kWs being drawn out of each wall socket used to mine overall energy savings, the scope of a building’s automation system will grow exponentially with the help of IOT.  In-line with building automation’s traditional goals, these changes will continue to drive down the operational costs of buildings while increasing their comfort, safety and usability for its occupants.

Coupled with industry trends like smart meters, distributed energy and Demand Response (DR), IOT will also dramatically impact the scale of building automation.  Buildings will no longer operate (i.e., consume energy) in isolation as the electrical grid begins to predict demand spikes and sends signals to heavy users (i.e., commercial buildings and factories) via smart meters to ramp down non-critical loads or pay hefty usage fees via variable rate billing.  We may also begin to see buildings viewed not just as consumers of energy but also producers as distributed, grid-tied power (typically in the form of onsite solar, wind or geothermal production) becomes more commonplace.  In this scenario, the building automation system along with its smart meter may work together to decide if it is financially beneficial to consume the energy its “power plant” is producing or sell it back to the grid at any given moment.

I personally am very excited about the role building automation will play in the future IOT.  In many ways, this industry has been the proving ground for the concept of a world of connected things.  Just as we have in the past, I foresee Kele evolving along with this trend of increased connectivity to always be there with the best solution and support for our customers.  I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the future of IOT and the role that Kele can play.