Kele Blog

Behind the scenes with Kele at ASHRAE: Focus on the supply chain

Are you ready for a full house?

Part Two of a three-part series


Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to place your bets. On what you ask?

  1. On when you’ll be able to find the parts you need.
  2. On when they’ll be shipped to you.
  3. Or, on if you’ll ever actually see them after paying for them.

It almost feels like most of you are playing a game of roulette and hoping that you end up being lucky when it comes to sourcing parts these days. See, just like you never forget your first time in Vegas (or better yet your first ASHRAE conference), you don’t tend to forget when an industry partner fails to get you what you need. But what’s the holdup? The supply chain.

Talk of how to navigate the supply chain and its many issues was a hot topic at the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference this year. Overcoming it was an even hotter topic. It’s what’s captivating not only the industry but the world right now. A recent New York Times article predicted that the supply chain chaos is likely to persist through 2022 (and possibly beyond!).

But how exactly does an industry partner, like Kele, go about overcoming something that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon? We’re glad you asked!

It all comes down to two words: Stocking. Distributor. As supply chain problems persist, Kele has been striving to overcome them by building resiliency within the industry via our stocking position. We’ve grown from being a stocking distributor of 1.8 million in-stock parts to 3 million in-stock parts. And doubling our in-stock inventory was just the beginning. The hard-to-find parts that no one has? Our purchasing and product teams have been taking and placing bets to ensure that we’re stocking direct and functional alternatives. This way none of the parts you need have the chance to pull a Houdini.

And since we’ve been in the game forever, we decided to go back to basics. The whole reason Kele was founded, was to simplify the supply chain; getting you what you need, when you need it. Focusing on our roots led us to invest in infrastructure. The best way to safeguard against industry (and the world) disruptions was to get as close to our customers as possible. Now we’re not talking creepy security guy at a poker tournament close. More like strategically placing our distribution centers across the country so that 74% of the U.S. can get parts in two days or less close.

Instead of letting the chips just fall where they may, Kele is here to make sure you hit the jackpot time after time; whether it’s focusing on getting you what you need or helping you navigate the current inflationary environment we find ourselves in. Vegas is said to be a place for everyone. Kele knows we’re the HVAC/BAS equivalent to that. Who said that a jackpot doesn’t come in a Kele package? The best-kept secret in the business is that you and I both know it does.

Get ready to place more bets and stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes from the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference about break/fix and projects.


Part One: Behind the scenes with Kele at ASHRAE: Focus on education

Part Three: Behind the scenes with Kele at ASHRAE: Focus on projects & break/fix

Finish getting ready for Back to School

It’s almost summer which means that school jobs are right around the corner. It’s time to get back to school ready and get project bids priced now. Break/fix jobs are bound to happen but you’re about to be inundated with retrofits and projects galore. Are you ready to get an A+ on each one?

To do just that you’ll want to stay up to date on state and federal guidelines for schools and universities as well as industry standards.  ASHRAE standard 62.1-1999 is the perfect example of standards you want to be up to date on. It recommends that each person in a classroom receive 15 cu. ft. per minute (cfm) of fresh air and a classroom with 30 people requires a ventilation rate of about 450 cfm.

Between zone requirements and the challenges that HVAC/BAS systems can present in a school and university setting, it almost feels like you’re being set up to fail on your assignment. Don’t wait till the last minute to get your bids in; planning for school projects and retrofits is about to be coming to an end. Hurry!

Plan ahead and let Kele help you stay on schedule and under budget so that you get that A+ on your final project.

Check out our other school bidding blogs here.

The three M’s of HVAC

Spring, or “The Pollening” as we call it here in Memphis, has sprung and as HVAC/BAS systems across the country begin the switch from heating to cooling, we here at Kele are looking ahead to see what’s next. So what exactly is up next? Wait for it, now take a dramatic pause, …summer! (We know hotter temps are nothing to be excited about, but we gave it our best shot.)

You’re now thinking, “Well okay Kele, but it’s the end of March. I still have plenty of time before I have to worry about all things summer.” Time flies when you’re busy and before you know it, all the issues that plague HVAC/BAS systems during the hottest time of the year will have arrived along with the summer season. This means that it’s time to refamiliarize yourself with the 3 M’s of HVAC: maintenance, monitoring, and management.


When an HVAC system receives proper maintenance throughout its lifespan, its life expectancy can be anywhere from 15-25 years (give or take a few years here or there). This means that constant and consistent maintenance is needed for it to stay healthy. Here’s a short list of some of the top things your customers should be cognizant of year-round:

  • Testing sensors and thermostats for full functionality
  • Keeping coils, drains, pans, etc., clean
  • Making sure that safety measures are working and still up to date for the system
  • Pressure checks for certain components
  • Inspections of all connections and motor operations


Now to ensure that your system is energy efficient, has clear and unobstructed ventilation, and is in well-working condition, HVAC/BAS system needs constant and consistent monitoring.

By monitoring the system(s), your customer is also able to track the performance of any and all systems, energy consumption and efficiency, and alerts for faults, inefficiencies, and system failures. It will help them be cost-effective and ensure that all problems that pop up are taken care of immediately before they can cause major damage that results in major costs due to system failure(s).


Lastly, put maintenance and monitoring together and you get management. To keep an HVAC/BAS system in peak condition, you must be able to effectively manage systems from top to bottom; being vigilant through monitoring and keeping up with maintenance year-round is imperative for effective management. Without it, your customers are just creating a more complex problem for you to solve at some point and we already know you’re having to do more with less these days.

The 3 M’s of HVAC have you covered year-round (just like Kele does). Encourage your customers to stay on top of all three and get ready for the summer season! Visit today or call and talk with our sales team to prep for staying on schedule and under budget on your next break/fix job or project.

Behind the scenes with Kele at ASHRAE: Focus on education

Ready. Set. Vegas!

Part One of a three-part series

While most people agree that “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” some secrets just aren’t meant to be kept. And what happened at the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference is a secret we won’t be keeping. We all know that snitches get stitches, but Kele is betting on black that you want to know what went down—and it’s a gamble we’re willing to take!

So what exactly did happened at the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference?

Kele showed up. As pioneers of the supply chain for the BAS industry, showing up when it counts isn’t new to us. We’ve been doing it since day one and know that our customers depend on us to help them get the job done. By attending the Winter Conference, we were doing just that. As the industry grows and evolves, we make it our goal to do so with it so we can help you win no matter what. By attending ASHRAE, we’re able to run the table and stay up to date on what the industry has to offer so that we can offer it to you.

Getting back to face-to-face interactions allowed us to stack the deck so to speak; we were able to personally connect with suppliers and customers alike in a conference setting for the first time in over two years. Having the opportunity to collaborate with both on current trends and discuss what’s next in the industry was instrumental in planning for our joint success in 2022.

And by collaborating, we were able to talk more in-depth about one of the main issues that are plaguing the industry currently: the supply chain. Educating ourselves by hearing first-person accounts allowed us to better understand the frustration and major impacts that are occurring to both customers and suppliers alike. While everyone in the industry knows this is an issue we’ve been dealing with, our conversations centered on creating solutions with you in mind.

Overcoming supply chain issues and figuring out how to do more with less is a top priority for both our customers and Kele in 2022. It’s another reason this tradeshow is so important to the industry. It allowed us to collaborate with both customers and suppliers and solidify our strategy to increase our stocking position for supply challenged parts and create new ways to help our customers win while successfully managing the total cost of their jobs.

Tina Nelson
Product Manager, Kele

Education and improving our process are what help us continue to grow, evolve, and adapt to win the game every time. Kele Product Manager, Tina Nelson, put all her chips on the table and was focused on winning, saying, “Kele is constantly working to solve customer problems by partnering with suppliers to ensure the best outcomes possible. By consistently thinking about how to improve our product segments, how to gain the best products, and how to expand our growth in underdeveloped areas, we’re able to grow and learn to better serve our customers. Trade show attendance lets us engage with our existing partners, increase our presence in the industry for potential partners, and get the most out of both to serve our customer’s needs.”

Getting you what you need, when you need it, is paramount to us right now. It feels like this is the most important thing we can do industry-wide right now, other than continuing to educate ourselves, to make sure that we hit the jackpot every time.

For more information on what you missed at ASHRAE, catch up by reading the State of Society address from president Mike Schwedler and ASHRAE’s article on the event, or by watching the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference Meeting of the Members Plenary Session here.

Get ready to cash in those chips and stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes with Kele from the 2022 ASHRAE Winter Conference.



Part Two: Behind the scenes with Kele at ASHRAE: Focus on the supply chain

Part Three: Behind the scenes with Kele: Focus on projects and break/fix



Cold weather issues?

With February almost over, that means the end of winter is around the corner, right? Wrong. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and it’s been downhill ever since. Now, we don’t put much stock in a groundhog who predicts the weather (that’s our equivalent of an HVAC tech who doesn’t have to inspect a system to tell you what’s wrong with it), but cold weather doesn’t look like it’s leaving anytime soon.

The 2022 Farmer’s Almanac mapped out and predicted a frigid winter. There’s also been unpredictable winter fronts and storms that have affected much of the U.S. and will continue to do so. With all these freezing temperatures still plaguing many of your customers, it’s important to keep up with winter maintenance.

Here’s a shortlist of things to keep in mind so that the winter weather doesn’t catch your customer unaware:

  • Ventilation issues caused by blocked ducts or dirty filters
  • Frozen coils and pipes are likely to happen
  • Ensure peak performance of thermostats and sensors
  • Faulty heat pumps, leading to other issues such as uneven heating or decreased airflow

We’ve got all our fingers and toes crossed that winter is coming to an end sooner than later. But until then, stay vigilant and don’t let bad maintenance take over your customers’ systems. Kele’s here to help you get through the rest of the cold season and into warmer weather!

Visit now and chat with us online or call and talk with our sales and tech teams for your cold weather solutions—Kele’s got you covered!

School Project Bid in the Works? We Can Help You Get Back to School Ready!

Bidding for school projects seems to be starting earlier and earlier each year. With shorter timeframes and stress on the supply chain, it may be better to work ahead this season rather than having to do make-up work. While there are many things to keep in mind, there are two major ones that will help you the most:

  1. Being up to date on the latest standards/guidelines
  2. Being prepared for your bid and next steps once it’s accepted

It can be tricky to keep up with all the standards/guidelines that apply to the projects you work on. We know it can feel as though they are being updated constantly in some form or fashion. Here are two ASHRAE standards to keep in mind when you tackle your upcoming retrofit or project:

With their last revisions being in 2019, these standards are tried and true when it comes to IAQ (indoor air quality) and ventilation overall.

Keeping those standards in mind, here’s a study guide to help you get an A+ on your next bid:

  • Start planning for your bids now so you’re not caught unaware or unprepared
  • Devise a checklist to keep track of bidding, sourcing, scheduling, and more
  • Plan budgets and schedules so you stay on track and on time on the jobsite
  • Check for the most recent standards and guidelines that apply to your bid
  • Once you win the bid, source your parts immediately so your parts are waiting on you and not the other way around

So whether it’s a bid for a retrofit or an entire project, Kele is here to help you from start to finish. We want you to be ready to go back to school and ace that final exam. Let our favorite study tool, My Project Portal, help you prepare your BOM in minutes. Shop today on or call and chat with our sales and tech teams to get what you need—Kele’s got you covered.

Stay Tuned for Behind-The-Scenes with Kele at ASHRAE

ASHRAE’s 2022 Winter Conference and AHR Expo is being held in Las Vegas this year. And while Kele will be in attendance, we know that many of you have been impacted by COVID-19 and are unable to attend. As a member of ASHRAE, we are excited to bring you a behind-the-scenes look at everything happening at this year’s conference. We’ll be your eyes and ears on the ground, reporting the newest industry standards and keeping you updated on new tech and more.

So why is ASHRAE important?

ASHRAE has been raising awareness and seeking to improve the HVAC&R/BAS industry since 1894. It is a global organization that works to improve building standards, offer education, create and implement technical standards, and fund research programs. They also publish the ASHRAE Handbook annually in a four-volume series covering the following topics:

  • Fundamentals
  • HVAC Applications
  • HVAC Systems and Equipment
  • Refrigeration

To go along with their handbook, they publish standards and guidelines for building codes to ensure maximum safety. Additionally, they manage two magazines and have published several books—all fantastic resources to make sure you know what’s what in the industry.

We’re excited to see what they’ve been up to and how it will impact all of us. Check back in with us for coverage on the conference—Kele’s got you covered.

Back to Basics: Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome (SBS). The Oxford Dictionary defines it as a condition affecting office workers, typically marked by headaches and respiratory problems, attributed to unhealthy or stressful factors in the working environment such as poor ventilation. It’s the last thing your customers want to deal with; it’s the last thing YOU want to deal with!

Instead of a normal break/fix issue, SBS is a silent and sometimes deadly ailment that buildings suffer from. And until the people in the said building begin to suffer, it can be difficult to detect. At the end of the day, it all comes down to poor indoor air quality (IAQ).

So what are some causes of poor IAQ? These outbreaks of sickness can stem from any number of variables but here’s a shortlist to name just a few:

  • Subpar cleaning practices
  • Molds
  • Improper ventilation
  • Lack of proper fresh-air intake/air filtration
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
  • Overlooked/forgotten maintenance

In most cases, SBS can be prevented by staying vigilant with yearly maintenance checks and constant monitoring of systems. Educate your customers on the perils of SBS and work with them to help keep their buildings and the people inside of them healthy and safe.

Shop for what you need now on or Live Chat with a tech service rep for answers on how to keep your customers’ building healthy and any other questions you may have.


Kele Companies, Inc. Acquisition of A-tech, Inc.

Acquisition is Kele’s fifth since 2017 and strengthens industrial offering and footprint.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. and TULSA, Okla. – Kele, Inc. recently announced the acquisition A-tech, Inc., a distributor of industrial automation products. The acquisition expands Kele’s breadth of products and services in the industrial automation market. The new entity will become an add-on to Lesman Instrument Company, which was purchased by Kele in December 2020.

A-tech, Inc. distributes products used to measure, analyze, control, and automate a wide range of factory and industrial processes. The company serves customers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, and Wyoming. This marks Kele’s fifth acquisition in the last five years.

Kele President and CEO Richard Campbell said, “A-tech is a well-established, authorized distributor and manufacturers’ representative for process measurement and control instrumentation. We’re excited about adding another well-respected brand in the Industrial automation space to the Kele Companies.”

“The opportunity to join forces with Kele and Lesman will greatly enhance A-tech’s offerings. Our customers and employees will benefit from enhanced support and efficiency, while also strengthening our channel partners and supplier relationships,” said A-tech President Clay Hodgens.


About Kele, Inc.

Kele, Inc. is a leading distributor of Commercial and Industrial Automation products and controls solutions globally. Kele serves the $275+ billion Commercial and Industrial Automation markets with more than 300 brands and 1.8 million parts in stock, including sensors, transmitters, switches, gauges, valves, actuators, relays, and more. Value-added services include custom panel assembly, specialized sourcing, and technical support. Kele is a portfolio company of The Stephens Group, LLC of Little Rock, Ark. To learn more about Kele, visit

About A-tech, Inc.

A-tech Inc. is an established, authorized distributor and manufacturers’ representative for process measurement and control instrumentation. They distribute products used to measure, analyze, control, and automate a wide range of factory and industrial processes. Since 1977, it has grown into a nation-wide distributor. A-tech prides itself on lasting customer relationships, impactful industry knowledge, and their ability to be innovative on behalf of their customers when it comes to parts. For more information, visit

Unwanted visitors and the top five associated issues

Let me set the scene. You’re on the job. Your customer is complaining of smells, strange sounds, and other things wrong with their commercial HVAC/BAS system(s). And you know, you just know, you’re about to have a close encounter of the “third kind.” Except instead of UFOs, we mean animals.

Almost everyone in the industry has a story where they’ve found a furry or feathered menace wreaking havoc on their customer’s system(s). And every time you’ve encountered said menace, you’re reminded of all the headaches that can occur and the damages you’ll encounter and have to fix.

We’d be here all day if we discussed every issue that an animal in a system can cause, but here are our top five big-ticket issues that can come from an unwanted visitor:

  1. Blocked/damaged vents, dampers, and exhausts
  2. Frozen refrigerant lines due to damaged insulation
  3. Damaged wiring and connections
  4. Corrosion to evaporator and condenser coils
  5. Damaged ductwork

In these situations, step one is to call in the professionals to remove the animal. (We want pictures/video if you take on the animal yourself, though we don’t recommend it!) Step two is to complete a thorough inspection. Make sure to go over the entirety of the system(s) and always do your due diligence!

We’re not experts in animal control but we are experts in repairing HVAC/BAS issues! Call us or email us to get what you need to quickly fix issues caused by those unwanted interlopers and keep your customers happy.