Kele Blog

2023 AHR Expo

Innovation. Diversity. Trust. Partnership.

All words that describe what the 2023 AHR Expo was all about this year.

At the beginning of February, the HVAC and BAS industries came together in Atlanta for the annual AHR Expo. And boy did they put on a show! The Expo highlighted 1,779 exhibitors with an estimated 45,000 attendees. Education panels were in full swing, with the top three attended sessions being:

  • Seminar 15: The Evolution of Thermal Energy Storage for Cooling Applications: The Past, Current, and Future
  • Seminar 11: Optimizing Thermal Energy Storage Integrated with HVAC
  • Seminar 25: Decarbonizing Campuses Utilizing Heat Pumps and Thermal Energy Storage

With over 100 technical sessions, the Society showed they have the industry’s wants and needs in mind. Attendees were hungry to learn more about the conference theme “Securing Our Future” and build the partnerships to do just that.

So what’s the 411?

After three years of ambiguity and uncertainty, the industry as a whole is able to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. With COVID woes finally behind us for the most part, reclaiming our position industry-wide is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. This work is just the beginning, however. There are still several hurdles that must be navigated.

Current ASHRAE President Farooq Mehboob was quoted saying, “It is imperative that we continue to hunger for and seek information about our market, our changing world, and our technological advances. Embracing change will infuse a new dynamism in our industry at all levels, bringing new knowledge, technology, and tools in a timely fashion, helping
us to successfully navigate the rapidly changing world.”

What types of hurdles are holding us up?

After catching up and trading stories and experiences, it is evident that we are all facing new and old challenges. Fuel prices are still at their highest for some. Others are suffering from element shortages like copper, lithium, electronic components, and refrigerants just to name a few. And while the global supply chain has improved, freight restrictions and transport challenges remain, demonstrating that the system in its entirety has yet to fully stabilize. Mehboob also said, “The challenge doesn’t stop here. As an industry, we must remain focused and maintain our position of leadership and preparedness. Our success continues to be based on problem-solving, creativity, innovation, flexibility, and a willingness to adapt. Our success stems from seeing an opportunity for improvement based on new knowledge and technology.”

How is the industry growing despite these challenges?

The industry is working and creating partnerships to bring innovation and technology to new heights. Topics and agendas that everyone seemed to be the most interested in were those that centered around indoor air quality (IAQ), decarbonization, best energy practices, and how our industry is continuing to support new standards and provide new and updated equipment to meet said standards.

Our industry is focused on the future. How we can continue to move towards better practices for all by building sustainability through solutions. With all the improvement and new technologies surrounding communication devices, network/wireless, and Bluetooth capabilities (three cheers for being able to program and configure equipment with our smartphones), it’s evident that a new, greener, more sustainable future in HVAC and BAS is attainable and within grasp.

We’ll catch you at the next AHR Expo! Can’t wait until then to see us? No worries—call us today for all your HVAC and BAS needs or shop now on Kele’s got you covered!

Energize Connecticut Rebates Are Here to Help

Connecticut…are you feeling energized? Well, you should be! New England is leading the charge when it comes to energy efficiency and you’re making statewide waves as a whole already. Energize Connecticut is ready and willing to help each and every one of you continue to excel at being energy efficient.

What the heck is Energize Connecticut?

We’re so glad you asked! (And for those who know, here’s a quick recap.)

Energize CT is all about helping CT make smarter and easier energy choices. It’s essentially an energy conservation program that is state-run and offers a wide range of services to help lower your energy consumption which in turn will help reduce what you spend! (Learn more about sponsors and the program here.)

And the best part? Eligibility for applications ranges from new equipment to replacing end-of-life equipment and even upgrades that result in savings. There’s also eligibility for savings with regard to equipment such as chillers, boilers, VSDs, VFDs, thermostats, economizers, and more. (To learn more about qualifying HVAC and BAS equipment click here.)

You can also:

  • Get financing for energy upgrades to the home
  • Earn large discounts and receive rebates when you buy specific equipment
  • Get incentives for greener energy usage (yep, we’re talking solar power!)
  • Earn subsidized rates on energy-efficient services

We know, it’s A LOT!

Let CCI help you get started on your energy-saving journey today.

The industry is moving towards being greener and more energy efficient each and every day. And Connecticut is working at being an incredible example of what can happen when we all work together to make positive strides toward change. Take advantage of the Energize CT program and let CCI help you navigate the entire process from start to finish. We’re here to help YOU by supporting you with our value-added initiatives and more. Call us today and let us help you find the parts that qualify for maximum money savings and energy savings!

Smart Tech: Invest Now, Save Later

In an industry where we are working to become smarter, greener, and stay ahead of the curve, smart technologies are what we should be investing in to help buildings everywhere stay safer, healthier, and economize. (All of which will save you a headache or two down the road!)

What type of smart tech am I talking about? Parts and components for products such as:

  • UV Lighting: These are perfect for disinfecting those hard-to-reach places.
  • Smart Thermostats: These can allow for monitoring IAQ and smart scheduling of systems and reporting.
  • Communicating Room Sensors: These can be anything from “smart” gas transmitters to “smart” pressure transmitters.
  • BACnet Router: Use BACnet to connect networks and allow for better communication between systems so that data can be shared and managed with various equipment working together seamlessly.

The education and enablement of such smart technologies are being championed by some of the biggest names out there. ASHRAE, the AHR Expo, EPA, and OSHA (and Kele 😉) are all big proponents of investing now to save later.

There are a wide variety of other smart tech options that the industry is leveraging as it grows and evolves, and they all help in some way, shape, or form when it comes to an HVAC or BAS system. Education around smart tech will help transform our industry into a more efficient, cost-saving, and green business. Not only are we as a whole working towards helping you help your customers, but we’re working towards helping the global environment which benefits us all!

Haven’t jumped into the fray of smart tech yet? Get started with some of our favorite smart products below or head on over to and start browsing. Need help? Chat with us online at or call today—Kele’s got you covered!

Fan Coil Room Controller
Schiender Electric

Germicidal Lamp
Fresh-Aire UV

PC Software & USB Cable Kit
E Instruments International

Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter
Dwyer Instruments

Rain & Snow Sensor

Enclosed BACnet Network Relay
Functional Devices

Addressing IAQ Danger After Winter Weather

Winter has been no joke this year with constant bouts of snow and freezing temperatures. While some have been affected more by snow and others by freezing rain, one thing is for certain, everyone has dealt with some type of issue from the winter weather.

The aftermath of such weather resulted in rolling blackouts, burst pipes, boil water notices, flooding, and more. And while staying warm and dry and fixing burst pipes were on many minds, indoor air quality (IAQ) probably wasn’t.

With an issue like flooding, a building’s IAQ and overall health are at risk. Whether the flooding is born from burst pipes or melting snow, the dangers amassed can be significant. As water sits, microorganisms can grow and become airborne and from there enter into HVAC systems. The longer the water damage from flooding is left untreated, the greater the risk becomes to IAQ and an HVAC system overall. Mold, mildew, allergens, bacteria and viruses, and other containments are just a handful of the dangers that can wreak havoc on a building’s IAQ.

But flooding isn’t the only risk to a building or facility’s IAQ! There are many different pollutant sources such as:

  • Excess moisture (such as too much humidity)
  • Broken or ineffective HVAC or BAS systems
    • Outdoor sources
    • Pesticides
    • Outdoor air pollution
    • Risky invisible gases (i.e., Radon)
  • Indoor materials and/or furnishings
  • Newly installed flooring, cabinetry, or furniture made of certain products
    • Deteriorating materials (i.e., insulations)
    • Fuel-burning combustion products (i.e., furnaces)

So how do you treat a building that is sick due to poor IAQ? You’ll first want to ensure that your building or facility is in compliance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standards 62.1 and 62.2, which are the standards recognized for ventilation system design and acceptable IAQ. (They were even revised and expanded for 2022 to ensure the highest level of safety for buildings and their occupants!)

Ok, so you’re up to standard. What’s next? Here are a few easy steps to take to improve that not-so-great IAQ:

  • Clean any areas that could be contributing to unsafe air
  • Change out system filters regularly
  • Use air cleaning/purifying devices
  • Regularly monitor your systems to catch pollutants early
  • Increase ventilation as needed to accommodate building occupancy

Once an HVAC system is sick, it can be difficult to fix. Everyone’s worst nightmare is having to take apart ductwork to clean the mold and mildew out. (Not to mention anything else you might find along the way!) It could take weeks to traverse a large building’s entire system to find where and what needs to be cleaned, repaired, and more.

Stay up to date and ahead of the game by practicing the 3 M’s of HVAC (monitoring, maintenance, and management), and help keep your building’s IAQ healthy!

Need help navigating a sick building or facility? Chat now with us about needed parts on or call today. Kele’s got you and your sick building covered!

Dampers. This season’s MVP.

Well, folks, if your weather is anything like ours is in Memphis right now—both fall and winter arrived seemingly at the same time and are now competing to see who’s here to stay. We know winter will win out in the end but in the meantime, trying to regulate buildings based on the swinging temps is exhausting. With it being the season of giving thanks, all we have to say is thank goodness for dampers!

Get that damper to the right zone!

Why are we so thankful for dampers? Because they are this season’s MVP when it comes to zone control. Dampers are positioned in ductwork to regulate airflow and direct it to the areas that need it. When partnered with correct zoning, a building is set up for success; it truly is the MVP when it comes to getting clean air where it needs to be and helping a building’s system stay regulated temperature-wise!

Image courtesy of ASHRAE

What all goes into making a damper?

Dampers are more than just plates and valves that control airflow. Most dampers are made up of a variety of components such as frames, blades and blade pins, axles, bearings, motors, and much more. And all those components go into making many different types of dampers for a wide array of applications.

What are the different types of dampers?

On average, dampers can be split into two categories where they are deemed either automatic or manual. From here it gets a little more complicated. Types range from fire, smoke, fire and smoke, multi-blade and single-blade, round, barometric, balancing, bypass, and more. Below you can see an example of a fire damper.

Image courtesy of NFPA-Fire Damper

Why do so many damper types exist?

Buildings of course! Every building and BAS has different needs based on a number of things such as facility type, capacity, facility needs, and more. Getting the right one is a must to best serve your customer’s building/facility.

To learn more about dampers and the standard for zoning, air ventilation procedure, and more read up on ASHRAE Standard 62.1 and ASHRAE Guideline 36-2018.

And to get the right damper for your next job so you can be the MVP for your customer, call or click here to browse dampers on now. Kele’s got you covered!

Mass Save® Rebates Are Here to Help

Massachusetts…a state that is leading in energy efficiency. And surrounding states aren’t far behind them. Why you ask? Because Mass residents and business owners are taking part in Mass Save.

Mass Save?

What is Mass Save? This program was born out of a need and want to help the residents and businesses across Massachusetts save money and create a community that is focused on sustainability through energy efficiency. Because of this, certain sponsors have come together to help by offering this program and other services for all things HVAC and BAS.

Eligibility for application ranges from new equipment to replacing end-of-life equipment and even upgrades that result in savings. There’s also eligibility for savings regarding equipment such as chillers, boilers, VSDs, VFDs, thermostats, economizers, and more. (To learn more about qualifying HVAC and BAS equipment click here.)

With an economy that is giving people no other choice but to try and save as much as they can—now is the time to start investing in savings. When you take part in Mass Save, not only are you doing your part to create a healthier environment that operates on sustainability, but you’re saving money by cutting costs.

CCI is here to help you save energy and money.

The industry is moving forward by being green, and Massachusetts is setting an incredible example. Take advantage of the Mass Save program and let CCI help you navigate the Mass Save process. We’re here to help by supporting YOU with our value-added initiatives and more. Call us today at 781-335-8353 and let us help you find the parts that qualify for maximum money savings and energy savings!

Kele Gets Spooky for Youth Villages of West Tennessee

Youth Villages. A private nonprofit organization that is focused on helping children be successful. Kele. An HVAC/BAS distributor that is an industry powerhouse whose focus is on simplifying the supply chain and helping customers win. Two companies that have no reason to ever cross paths. Except Youth Villages is within the community which Kele calls home.

Roger Johnson, the founder of Kele, was insistent that Kele needed to be a great place to work and play. And that mentality still permeates the workplace and culture of Kele today. Kele believes that in order to best serve our customers, we must also serve our community. And one of the biggest ways we achieve that is through our partnership with Youth Villages.

Youth Villages started out in 1986 and is today well-known and nationally recognized for its work in the mental and behavioral health of children. They now have programs and services that cover 23 states with 100 locations. But they can’t operate and help the children that need it without support.

Kele has supported and fostered a relationship with Youth Villages that has gone on now for over two decades. In fact, Kele donated land to Youth Villages that they still use to this day. It’s a long-lasting relationship that means the world to both the employees and the children. Our relationship with them also allows us to put “Kele is a great place to work and play” to the test!

Just this past Thursday, October 27th, Kele put on a haunted house spooktacular for some of the children of Youth Villages. Different departments teamed up together and turned the hallowed halls of all things HVAC/BAS into scary scenes from a haunted circus, scary maze, and even Stranger Things (just to name a few). The Kele employees got to play and help bring some joy to children. It’s by far the favorite event Kele gets to host each year but certainly not the only way that Kele employees donate their time and energy to such an incredible nonprofit.

Giving back to the community where we call home is important to Kele. We’re lucky and beyond happy that Youth Villages lets us partner with them to give back to children who need it.

Looking for more information on Youth Villages? Learn more about how you can partner with Youth Villages here.

Winter weather & break/fix needs. Are you ready?

Happy Halloween folks! Man oh man has this year just flown by. And we know you have been busier than ever! (How do we know? We’ve seen your orders. Some of your customers became your best friend this year with all the break/fix business they had you doing, didn’t they?)

And speaking of break/fix jobs…we know that going into the end of the year (especially the upcoming holiday season) things will go wrong and you’ll need hard to find parts quickly. What types of parts are we talking about? Any and all parts that have to do with:

Why you ask? Because the end of the year brings with it a season of freezing temperatures that tend to cause chaos for your customers’ systems. This means that pipes and coils freeze, thermostats break, boilers malfunction or fail to work due to issues like pilot lights not igniting, and so on and so forth. And with the high temps, a lot of your customers’ systems had to battle, many systems are going to need maintenance to make sure they are fully operational and ready for the stress that cold weather will bring.

As the year continues to fly by and you get busier in your personal life, make sure you’re prepared for all things winter-related and stay organized when it comes to sourcing for upcoming break/fix and servicing jobs. Don’t wait until the last minute to find a single source that will be able to handle all your last-minute needs.

Call Kele today or shop with us online at and get exactly what you need without all the hassle. Kele’s here to help and we have you covered.

Today’s CCI: A message from President & GM Michael Youngs

Both Control Consultants Inc. and our customers alike have seen tremendous change over the past few years. John Donahue retired, we were acquired by The Kele Companies, and of course, we faced challenges with supply, labor, and logistical problems that were brought about by COVID. As the industry evolves and we advance with it, I want you to understand today’s CCI.

Since the acquisition, CCI has expanded and enhanced its ability to serve customers by providing an upgraded order fulfillment experience paired with faster delivery nationwide. As a CCI customer, you have gained access to everything Kele offers …

  • 3M+ parts that ship the same day
  • Order tracking
  • Quarterly training and certifications
  • Custom panel shop
  • Calibration and assembly
  • Technical and Application Engineer support

You are also backed by a strong internal team here at CCI …

  • Engineering Lead: Derek Clark – Niagara Certified Professional
  • Application Engineers:
    • Nghia – CAD drawings, engineering submittals
    • Alexis – CAD drawings, engineering submittals
  • Sean Foley – UL508A panel shop, field service, gas calibration, VFD start-ups
  • Director of Sales: Tony Ciuffo – 30+ years of industry experience
  • Warehouse Lead: Rich Bennett
  • Panel Shop Lead: Marc Smith – 20+ years of experience building panels for CCI
  • Purchasing & Niagara Licensing Lead: Joe Mercurio – 25+ years with CCI
  • The sales team consists of senior sales specialists that cover territories throughout New England and upstate New York.

We are continuously striving towards improving your CCI experience. Recently, we have revamped our warehouse with a state-of-the-art bar code system, enabling automatic product-to-order allocation and same-day shipping. Our inventory goes through random cycle counts daily to ensure accuracy. And we are now offering services associated with the Mass Save® rebate program.

CCI and Kele stay committed to helping you win on the job. We appreciate your business and look forward to partnering with you both now and in the future.


Michael Youngs, President & GM

Checklist for Fire Safety & Prevention

Fall is finally upon us! We are steadily on our way to cooler temps and all things fall (and winter if you’re looking that far ahead!). And with all things fall comes thinking and getting ready for fire safety and prevention.

Fire Prevention Week

October is widely referred to as “Fire and Safety Month” in the HVAC and BAS worlds. It’s the yearly reminder to go over your customers’ checklists when it comes to their systems and make sure that nothing HVAC/BAS related has the potential to become a fire hazard. In 2022, it’s happening from October 9th-October 15th.

Fire Prevention Tips

So what does this mean for HVAC/BAS systems? To start, it means ensuring that your customers’ systems are in compliance with National Fire Protection Agency Codes NFPA 105 & 80. These codes will have your customers covered when it comes to fire and smoke systems, dampers, and ensuring that they are up to date and fully functioning. It also means doing some other annual checks as well! We’ve put together a quick checklist to review with your customers below.

Fire Prevention Checklist

  • Check for leaks
  • Ensure clear, unobstructed ducts
  • Ensure all lines are connected and that there is no damage
  • Keep the HVAC system and its components clean and clear from obstructions
  • Make sure that all sensors and alert systems, especially emergency stop systems, are in working order and functioning as intended

And practicing the 3Ms of HVAC will help your customers keep up with anything that could lead to a fire or some other disaster:

  • Maintenance: do regular work to maintain the system
  • Management: manage the different aspects of the system to ensure peak performance
  • Monitoring: monitor the system and its many sensors and applications so that it is running effectively and efficiently

Kele is here to help you, best help your customer. Check out some of our favorite fire safety products below or shop our in-stock inventory of three million parts on today. Need additional help? Call and speak with one of our technical experts.

Shop these fire prevention and safety products:

Fire & Smoke Damper Actuators

Emergency Stops