Panels 101: Designing and Building Control Panels

The most critical element that shapes a panel design project must be addressed at the very beginning of a project: where is the completed unit going to be installed? This very basic question dictates the type of protection the enclosure must provide to the equipment. The switchgear inside the enclosure must be protected from the […]

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The Winter Olympics and Data Center Power

Let the games begin! The 2018 Winter games have begun! So far, we have seen some terrific skating, spectacular snowboarding, and intense bobsledding. The games have showcased a great deal of technology, and much of it is driven by cloud resources. To ensure everything is executed on time and lights stay on, a tremendous amount […]

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Are you part of the 95%?

Our technical panel team has over 100 combined years of experience in designing and assembling custom panels. As a value-added service to our customers, our team completes an accuracy review of each schematic panel diagram checking for potential errors and omissions.   Ninety-five percent (95%) of the time, if an issue is discovered, the mishap occurs […]

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