The Democratization of Building Controls

Yesterday I read an interesting article that focused on a cleantech startup’s recent venture capital funding success story. The company, Enlighted, provides smart lighting sensors and software that reduce a building’s power consumption. This concept is nothing novel to the building automation industry, however, according to the article, Enlighted has taken a bit of a different […]

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Wireless is Becoming More Visible

New technology is always in some sense a little frightening and permeated with uncertainty, whether real or perceived. The very nature of it makes us cautious and reluctant to accept it. We then in turn, take smaller steps and fewer risks. While sometimes these new technologies give us cause to pause, it also offers us […]

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Honeywell T775 Controller

I started at Kele about 19 years ago.  Over the years I’ve been fortunate to learn a good bit about controls from many very talented folks – mentors, fellow employees, industry experts, and customers.  It is easy to have favorites in my line of work.  Being in tech support over an extended period of time, […]

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Building Automation and the Internet of Things (IOT)

A topic getting a lot of press these days (at least in the publications and on the websites I frequent) is the Internet of Things (IOT).  If this phrase is unfamiliar to you now, it probably won’t be for long.  We are headed toward a world of greater and greater connectivity and IOT will increasingly […]

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Energy Efficiency Should Be Part of Tax Reform Solution

As our government quickly approaches the next big political showdown over US deficit reduction measures, constituencies across the spectrum are offering wide-ranging solutions to fix what ails our seemingly incessant poor fiscal standings.  One such set of recommendations near and dear to my heart and profession relates to energy efficiency.  The proposal to which I’m […]

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The Award goes to… Ohm’s Law!

If there were an awards show for Building Automation and Energy Management; there would have to be a lifetime achievement award. All awards shows have them. For Building Automation and Energy Management there may be none more deserving than Ohm’s Law. Ohm’s law may be the Beatles of Building Automation and Energy Management. The influence […]

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Energy Efficiency meet Investors. Investors meet Energy Efficiency

One of the major customer groups Kele serves is the contracting arms of ESCOs (Energy Service Companies).  We work with the great folks on the front lines in this industry everyday and we grow when they grow.  We believe in the work they are doing (making buildings safer, healthier and more energy efficient for occupants […]

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What is next, endicator?

In my last blog entry I raved about the endicator power monitor and how it will make my life easier and that is all true.  What the designers have done, unbeknownst to them, is they have made life easier for future DR too.  I’ll try to explain. Chances are if you are reading this you […]

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