Keeping Comfort Constant: Why Predictive Maintenance is the Future of Commercial & Industrial HVAC

In today’s commercial and industrial landscape, maintaining a comfortable and productive environment is crucial. HVAC and building automation systems play a vital role in achieving this goal. However, traditional reactive maintenance, where repairs are made only after equipment fails, can lead to costly downtime, discomfort, and potential safety hazards.

Enter predictive maintenance – a revolution in the HVAC & BAS industry

What is Predictive Maintenance?

Predictive maintenance utilizes data and technology to anticipate potential equipment failures before they occur. Sensors are installed on critical components like compressors, belts, and motors, continuously monitoring performance metrics like vibration, temperature, and energy consumption. This data is then analyzed using advanced algorithms. The National Institute of Standards and Technology even gives some helpful tips and information on how to safely secure your data and technology here.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Reduced Downtime: Predictive maintenance identifies potential problems early on, allowing for proactive scheduling of repairs during off-peak hours. This minimizes disruption to operations and ensures a comfortable environment for occupants.
  • Lower Repair Costs: Early detection of issues often allows for minor fixes before they escalate into major breakdowns. This can significantly reduce repair costs and extend the lifespan of HVAC and BAS equipment.
  • Improved Energy Efficiency: Predictive maintenance ensures optimal system performance, leading to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Safety: By proactively addressing potential issues, predictive maintenance helps maintain consistent temperature and air quality, creating a comfortable and safe environment for employees and customers.

Benefits for Customers:

  • Peace of Mind: Customers of buildings who use predictive maintenance on their HVAC and BAS systems can rest assured knowing the environment is well-maintained and less prone to unexpected disruptions.
  • Sustainability: Reduced energy consumption through predictive maintenance contributes to a smaller environmental footprint for businesses, aligning with customer preferences for sustainable practices.

The Future of HVAC

Predictive maintenance is rapidly transforming the commercial and industrial HVAC industry. By leveraging data and technology, businesses can achieve greater operational efficiency, cost savings, and environmental benefits. This ultimately leads to a more comfortable, productive, and sustainable future for both businesses and their customers.

Looking to source the right components to better monitor and maintain systems? Call today or start sourcing now on—Kele’s got you covered.

To get you started, check out the Belimo EV Series Energy Valves here.

Finding Quiet in the Roar: Noise Reduction Technologies in Commercial & Industrial HVAC

The constant hum of HVAC systems can be more than just a minor annoyance. In commercial and industrial settings, excessive noise can negatively impact employee productivity, communication, and even lead to hearing damage. Fortunately, advancements in noise reduction technologies are making quieter HVAC systems a reality.

Why Silence is Golden in Commercial & Industrial HVAC

  • Enhanced Productivity: Studies from the Environmental Protection Agency, show a clear link between noise pollution and decreased cognitive function and worker performance. Quieter HVAC systems can lead to improved concentration, communication, and overall well-being in the workplace.
  • Reduced Health Risks: Long-term exposure to loud noises can cause hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and even increased stress levels. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, quieter HVAC systems can help create a safer and healthier work environment.
  • Improved Customer Experience: In commercial settings like restaurants or retail stores, loud HVAC systems can detract from the customer experience. Noise reduction technologies can contribute to a more pleasant and welcoming environment.

Technologies Leading the Quiet Revolution

Several innovative technologies are addressing noise concerns in commercial and industrial HVAC systems:

  • Advanced Fan Design: According to ASHRAE, fewer fan blade designs incorporate aerodynamic principles to reduce air turbulence, which is a significant source of noise.
  • Duct Silencers: These strategically placed sections of ductwork lined with sound-absorbing materials significantly reduce noise transmission.
  • Vibration Isolation: The Society of Building Science Educators states that mounting HVAC components on vibration-isolating pads or springs minimize noise transfer from equipment vibrations to the building structure.
  • Enclosures and Barriers: Constructing enclosures around noisy equipment like compressors or chillers can significantly reduce noise levels in specific areas.

Benefits for Businesses and Customers

The adoption of noise reduction technologies in commercial and industrial HVAC systems offers a win-win situation for both businesses and customers:

  • Reduced Operational Costs: Quieter HVAC systems can potentially lead to lower energy consumption as noisy components may be operating less efficiently.
  • Improved Asset Lifespan: By minimizing vibrations and stress on equipment, noise reduction technologies can contribute to a longer lifespan for HVAC systems.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Businesses that prioritize creating a comfortable and healthy work environment can strengthen their brand image and attract top talent.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Quieter environments contribute to a more positive customer experience in retail and hospitality settings. 

A Quieter Future for All 

Noise reduction technologies are rapidly transforming commercial and industrial HVAC systems. By prioritizing quieter equipment and implementing innovative solutions, businesses can create healthier, more productive work environments for employees and contribute to a more comfortable experience for their customers. As technology continues to progress, we can expect even quieter HVAC systems in the future, leading to a quieter and more enjoyable experience for all.

Are you ready to start sourcing for your next job that centers on cost savings for your customers and a more comfortable environment? Call us today or start sourcing now on—Kele’s got you covered.

In the meantime, check out the IFM Efector VK Series vibration monitor here.

Questions from the Field: Shielded or 18-4 Cable for Carbon Dioxide Sensor

Q: Do I need to run shielded cable or can I run 18-4 with the KCD-W-V CO2 sensor you sell?

Here are some of the parameters we were given to help this customer find the right solution:

  • It’s for a retail facility (upper and lower levels).
  • Between 48-60 inches.
  • High voltage.
  • The engineers for the project had specific requirements for IAQ.

So what did the Kele Tech Team suggest? DEFINITELY run shielded cable!

Shielding not only reduces signaling impacts but it also reduces electrical noise and lowers electromagnetic radiation. Plus, it protects people and surrounding machinery. So in this type of application—shielded cable is the way to go. Running shielded cable will guarantee no issues and in our opinion, it can be better to err on the side of caution when there are a lot of moving parts.

The Kele KCD Series carbon dioxide sensor was designed to offer an economical, reliable, non-dispersive infrared carbon dioxide sensor. The KCD carbon dioxide detector measures environmental CO2 levels for use in demand-controlled ventilation, air-quality monitoring, and other BAS and HVAC applications in accordance with ASHRAE standards. Fully isolated voltage analog outputs and convenient flying leads on the wall mount make installation both simple and trouble-free. The analog output is available in 0-10 Volt DC or 4-20 mA, over the industry standard 0-2000 ppm CO2 range.

Shop the Kele KCD-W-V CO2 Sensor

Keeping Your Cool: Preventative Maintenance for Commercial & Industrial Chillers

Commercial and industrial buildings rely heavily on efficient HVAC systems, especially during the hot summer months. Chillers, a crucial component of these systems, work tirelessly to remove heat and maintain comfortable temperatures. However, neglecting chiller maintenance can lead to costly breakdowns and disrupt operations. Here’s how preventative maintenance can keep chillers running smoothly and minimize costly repair scenarios.

Understanding Chillers

At the end of the day, chillers are essentially large refrigerators that cool water or a glycol solution. The chilled liquid is then circulated throughout the building to cool air through air handling units (AHUs). Chillers come in various types, including centrifugal, screw, and scroll compressors; each has its own maintenance needs.

Preventative Maintenance for Chillers

Regular maintenance is vital for optimal chiller performance and a long lifespan. Here are some key maintenance tips to consider.

  • Scheduled Inspections: Regular inspections by qualified technicians who can identify potential problems before they escalate into major failures are imperative. According to the EPA, these inspections should include checking refrigerant levels, oil analysis, cleaning condenser coils, and inspecting belts and drives for wear and tear. (For more information, visit an EPA source here.)
  • Water Treatment: Proper water quality needs to be maintained in the cooling tower to prevent corrosion and scale buildup on chiller components. Regular water testing and treatment are crucial.
  • Airflow Management: Ensure proper airflow through the condenser coils by regularly cleaning them to remove dust and debris. This allows for efficient heat rejection and optimal chiller performance. (For more information, visit an ASHRAE source here.)
  • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of all maintenance activities performed on the chiller. This allows technicians to track trends and identify potential issues early on.

Benefits of Preventative Maintenance

Investing in preventative maintenance for your chiller offers several benefits:

  • Reduced Downtime: Regular maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, minimizing downtime and ensuring consistent cooling for your building or facility.
  • Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained chiller operates more efficiently, leading to lower energy costs and savings.
  • Extended Lifespan: Regular care extends the lifespan of chillers, which can and will save money on costly replacements in the long run.
  • Improved IAQ: Properly maintained chillers contribute to better IAQ by ensuring efficient air circulation and cooling.

Preventative maintenance for commercial and industrial chillers is an investment that pays off down the line. By following a consistent maintenance schedule, you can minimize costly breakdowns, improve chiller efficiency, and extend its lifespan.

By consulting with qualified techs and professionals here at Kele, we can help deliver customized solutions for all your chiller needs when unexpected jobs occur or when routine maintenance checks uncover break/fix needs. Call us today or start sourcing online at now.

The Hydrogen Economy and the Role of the Valve Industry

*Contributed by Bray—By William Powers, Global Industry Manager of Industrial Gas – Bray International

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe; however, it does not exist on its own and must be produced from a broad range of sources, some of which are kinder to the planet than others. To reach the goal of net zero, it is important to use energy more efficiently and produce it from sustainable resources.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe; however, it does not exist on its own and must be produced from a broad range of sources, some of which are kinder to the planet than others. To reach the goal of net zero, it is important to use energy more efficiently and produce it from sustainable resources. The variations in hydrogen production are subtle and typically focus on the difference in energy source; the current primary methods are green hydrogen and blue hydrogen. As valves are essential to the production of any type of energy or fuel source, it is interesting to consider what role they will play in the hydrogen economy.

Green and blue hydrogen

Green hydrogen is made from renewable resources such as wind, solar, and water, through a process called electrolysis. This process involves taking water and breaking the hydrogen atoms out of it. There is a major global push to meet net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the production of green hydrogen is driving that initiative forward. This trend has been particularly significant in the U.S. and Europe, where CAPEX is spending hundreds of billions of dollars to create these facilities and a large percentage of it will be government-subsidized. Blue hydrogen is produced by capturing the carbon emissions, via a carbon capture unit & storage (CCUS) system, from a steam methane reformer. This unit breaks the hydrogen out of the hydrocarbons to create energy. This is a great solution for refineries or foundries that do not have a renewable energy source and are looking to reduce emissions in the next 10-20 years. A grey hydrogen facility can be converted to blue by adding a CCUS to the steam methane reformer.

An uphill battle

Although the industry is moving toward these low GHG emission methods of producing hydrogen, there is a very long uphill battle that will need to be waged to usurp grey and black hydrogen production. Government regulations and subsidizing, along with major industrial gas supplier buy-ins, have played a major role in the current global project backlogs as they stand today. More specifically, it is beneficial to investigate the global net-zero initiatives and the direction the world is moving towards. Overall, many major global economies have hydrogen strategies in place that are driving the net-zero mentality forward. The European Union (EU) was the front runner in the net-zero transition in 2019 with the Green Deal and set a target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. China, the world’s largest emitter of GHGs, announced its goal to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, though policy details are lacking at this time. India has established a plan to reduce emissions by 33-35% below 2005 levels by 2030, but they do not have a long-term target for carbon neutrality. In North America, Canada, and the U.S. energy mixes are fossil fuel-dominated. Both governments have net zero GHG targets for 2050 with an intermediate goal of producing 5052% less than 2005 levels by 2030. High gasoline prices and energy security concerns in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have augmented the focus on the transition to EVs, but also triggered calls to increase the region’s oil output, suggesting a stasis in decarbonization focus, at least in the short term. From a regulation standpoint, Canada’s Next Steps for Clean Air and a Strong Economy (Government of Canada, 2022) as well as the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (2022), are major steps towards supporting GHG targets. Within the IRA, the U.S. will be providing USD $8B for the U.S. Department of Energy to invest in regional hydrogen hubs, accelerating uptake in end-use sectors. In addition, USD $30B will be provided for solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, geothermal plants, and advanced nuclear reactors, including tax credits over 10 years. Offshore wind, specifically, has seen a swell of interest with major developers, private equity, and oil and gas majors securing lease areas on the U.S. Atlantic coast. This includes collaborative efforts between Atlas Cop-co and Plug Power for turboexpander production to support LH2 production and transportation. This governmental policy push will be complemented by growing corporate net-zero commitments in the coming years to solidify this net-zero transition.

The next steps

Hydrogen has had several false starts in the past, but momentum has picked up significantly as governments pledge net zero carbon targets as indicated previously. Nevertheless, it is still an early stage of deployment – with several barriers to overcome before a fully developed market can emerge. What are some of those barriers? In terms of 2023 production, green hydrogen costs roughly USD $10/kg, blue hydrogen costs roughly USD $4/kg, and grey hydrogen costs roughly USD $2/ kg. Green hydrogen has the greatest potential to be more economical than grey hydrogen production, but this is not projected to occur until 2050, based on the current rate of net-zero progress goals. Electrolyzer efficiencies are also a major concern for green hydrogen expansion. Although there are currently large-scale electrolyzers in production, the process to convert power to hydrogen and back to power has a round-trip efficiency of 18%-46% depending on the size and type of electrolyzer being utilized. Even if electrolyzer efficiencies are reduced, there are significant renewable energy limitations that need to be addressed. To support some of the current industrial processes that use hydrogen (fertilizers, hydrocracking, desulphurization) it would take 143% of all existing wind and solar power available. This does not factor in any other uses like gas grid enrichment and transportation where hydrogen is currently almost non-existent in the global scope of supply. Clearly, there is a need for a significant uptick in renewable energy sources. Finally, as there are no international standards associated with hydrogen production, current project scopes are not being harmonized. With all these hurdles, new projects are being added to the backlog daily; the proverbial chicken is therefore coming before the egg. With this information in mind, one can ponder what part valves will play in this economy.

The role of valves

Valves will be required in the processes used to form various forms of hydrogen, however, not all valves will have the adequate standards necessary. A butterfly valve, for example, whether it is a zero, double, or triple offset, has many pros inherent in its design for hydrogen applications. Typically, they offer the lowest cost of ownership, the smallest envelope compared to any other valve type, and low fugitive emission capabilities. In terms of the limitations, butterfly valves are prone to cavitation and are limited in pressure drop capabilities due to the disc being in the flow path. Butterfly valves can be utilized in switch valve applications, desulphurization feed, and hydrogen liquefaction. Globe valves will be heavily utilized in feed control, offering a variety of flow characteristics with shorter overall strokes, compared to quarter-turn valves, due to their linear function. The linear function, however, can lead to early packing wear and requires greater force to seat the valve which means a larger actuator is typically needed to support required leakage rates. Globe valves can be found in fuel flow regulation and steam control within both the blue and green production chains. Finally, ball valves will play an important role in the net-zero movement as they offer the highest capacity flow coefficient (Cv) ratio of any valve type, while still being able to support erosive/abrasive media extremely well. Similar to butterfly valves, ball valves are prone to cavitation and offer limited differential pressure and temperature capabilities within hydrogen production. Ball valves will be heavily utilized in ESD shutdown applications as well as hydrogen compression and storage.

Final thoughts

Clean hydrogen is not going to be easy to adapt to on a global scale. While there will be an uphill battle to establish green hydrogen as the primary method for hydrogen production, it is possible to overcome these hurdles, and valve manufacturers are ready to answer the call to support this booming economy to move the global market forward into the future.

Are you looking for valve solutions for your large project solutions? Kele now offers a wide variety of Bray valves to help you achieve success. Call us today for customized solutions or shop online now—Kele’s got you covered!

Keeping cool under pressure: How high temperatures impact HVAC & Building Automation Systems

As summer approaches, so do concerns about keeping buildings cool and comfortable. Extreme heat can stress occupants, HVAC systems, and building automation systems. Let’s delve into the technical aspects of how high temperatures can affect these systems and explore strategies to mitigate negative impacts.


The Toll of High Temps on HVAC Systems

  • Reduced Efficiency: According to the Department of Energy, extreme heat forces HVAC systems to work harder to maintain desired temperatures. This increased workload can decrease efficiency by up to 15%.
  • Increased Wear and Tear: Components like compressors and condensers face greater stress when operating under high load. ASHRAE agrees that this can lead to premature component failure and costly repairs.
  • Refrigerant Leaks: Extreme heat can exacerbate leaks in refrigerant lines, leading to reduced system performance and potential environmental hazards. 

The Impact of High Temperatures on Building Automation Systems

  • Sensor Malfunctions: Temperature sensors, a crucial component of BAS, can experience calibration drift due to excessive heat. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) backs up that this can lead to inaccurate data and hinder the system’s ability to optimize HVAC operation.
  • Communication Disruptions: High temperatures can affect the reliability of communication cables and connections within the BAS. This can lead to data transmission errors and hinder the system’s ability to control HVAC equipment effectively.
  • Overheating of Electronic Components: Extreme heat can stress electronic components within the BAS controller. In worst-case scenarios, this can lead to complete system failure.

Combating the Heat: Strategies for Protecting HVAC & Building Automation Systems

  • Preventative Maintenance: Regularly schedule maintenance to ensure optimal performance of systems. The Department of Energy recommends cleaning condenser coils, checking refrigerant levels, and inspecting for leaks.
  • Strategic Scheduling: Adjust HVAC and BAS operation during peak heat hours to minimize workload. Consider pre-cooling buildings at night when temperatures are lower.
  • Upgrade to High-Efficiency Equipment: Investing in newer, energy-efficient HVAC systems can significantly reduce energy consumption and lessen the burden on the equipment during high temperatures.
  • Proper BAS Design: Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control within BAS enclosures to prevent overheating of electronic components.
  • Redundancy and Backup Systems: Implementing redundant communication pathways and backup power supplies can mitigate potential disruptions caused by extreme heat within a building automation system.

By understanding the impact of high temperatures and implementing proactive strategies, building owners and facility managers can ensure the smooth operation of both their HVAC and building automation systems throughout the summer months. This not only optimizes energy efficiency and minimizes repair costs but also guarantees a comfortable and healthy environment for building occupants.

Source online or call Kele today for help in getting ready for summer maintenance calls—we make it easy!

Healthcare’s high-tech HVAC: Keeping you healthy (and saving money!)

Let me set the scene—you’re recovering in a hospital room. Any bacteria or airborne illness could lengthen your stay, put you at risk, but you’re ready to head on home—NOW! But instead of worrying about the cleanliness of your room or how fresh the air you’re breathing is—you’re just focused on your recovery. That’s exactly how it should be!

Here’s the inside scoop on why high-tech HVAC and building automation systems are becoming a game-changer in healthcare facilities so that patients and staff can breathe easier and safer.

Breathing easy with improved air quality

Remember that episode of Grey’s Anatomy where everyone was freaking out about airborne germs? (No? Just me?)

Advanced HVAC systems work with building automation systems to optimize air circulation and filtration. They work quietly (or not so quietly) behind the scenes silently filtering out dust, allergens, and pathogens that could make you sicker.

Saving green while going green

Let’s face it, hospitals use a LOT of energy. Thankfully, new HVAC and building automation technologies are like a superhero duo fighting against energy waste. Smart controls and demand-based ventilation ensure these systems only work as hard as they need to, keeping hospitals comfortable and budgets happy. Plus, with a focus on sustainability becoming a top priority, these systems are helping healthcare facilities reduce their environmental footprint.

The Internet of Things (IoT) steps up its game

Imagine a system that can monitor itself, predict when it needs maintenance, and even adjust settings based on real-time data. That’s the power of integrating HVAC and building automation with the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data. This futuristic tech allows for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven optimization of building systems. Basically, the system becomes like a self-aware robot, constantly working behind the scenes to ensure optimal performance and minimize problems.

Keeping everyone comfortable (and focused)

Hospitals aren’t just for patients – they’re workplaces too! Modern HVAC systems, with precise temperature and humidity control, coupled with building automation systems that manage air distribution evenly, create a comfortable environment for both patients and staff. This might not seem like a big deal, but studies show that a comfortable environment can lead to faster recovery times for patients and better focus for medical professionals – a win-win for everyone!

Adapting to the changing world of healthcare

With telehealth on the rise, hospitals need to adapt their energy use. Enter occupancy-based controls and remote monitoring capabilities! These features allow HVAC and building automation systems to adjust based on how many people are actually in a room, preventing wasted energy when areas are underutilized.

The future of healthcare is (climate) controlled

The future of healthcare facilities is all about creating healthy environments, optimizing operations, minimizing environmental impact, and taking care of patients. Advanced HVAC and building automation systems are at the forefront of this movement. By investing in these high-tech heroes, hospitals can create a healthier world for everyone, one comfortable breath at a time.

Explore some Kele product categories that can contribute to these goals within a healthcare setting:

Energy-efficient HVAC products:

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) solutions:

    • UV Air Disinfection Systems: These utilize ultraviolet light to inactivate airborne pathogens, contributing to a healthier environment.

Smart controls and building automation:

    • Building Management Systems (BMS): These centralized systems integrate with HVAC equipment and provide real-time data on energy usage and system performance. This allows for data-driven optimization to minimize energy waste.
    • Smart Thermostats and Occupancy Sensors: These can adjust heating and cooling based on real-time occupancy or temperature readings, preventing unnecessary energy consumption in unoccupied areas.

These product categories can contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient healthcare environment. Call or source online today—Kele’s got your next healthcare facility job covered.

Burner Controls: Deep Dive into the Brains of Industrial Combustion

All information was provided by Fireye. Learn more at

Kele has recently partnered with Fireye to bring you new and innovative products that will help you do business better when it comes to combustion control and flame safety. Today, we’re highlighting burner controls and how you can leverage them in your next project. Let’s go!

With burners being the workhorse of many industrial processes, keeping them running safely and efficiently relies on a complex system called burner controls. We’re going to explore specific components, troubleshooting techniques, and advanced control strategies that ensure smooth operation so you can get a better look at the big picture when it comes to this type of product.

To begin, let’s get a better understanding of essential components that help to create precise combustion. We’ll cover six different types: flame safeguards, fuel shut-off valves, ignition systems, combustion air control, safety limit switches, and BAS integration.

Flame Safeguard

There are three different types of flame safeguards: ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), and rectification (flame rod). Each type comes with specific advantages for different flame characteristics and environments. When it comes to its functionality, flame safeguards continuously monitor flame presence. It utilizes a detector to “see” the flame’s UV or IR radiation or measures the change in electrical current caused by the flame (flame rod). It can then initiate burner shutdown in case of flame loss or improper ignition sequence.

Fuel Shut-Off Valve

The two types of valves we’re covering are solenoid valves and motorized valves. Your selection depends on fuel type, pressure, and flow rate needs and requirements. Its main function is to help regulate fuel flow based on flame safeguard signals. It will open to allow fuel flow during proper operation and closes tightly to stop fuel delivery in case of a safety issue.

Ignition System

When choosing an ignition system, your final choice of a spark ignition system, hot surface igniter, or pilot light, will depend on burner type and fuel. The right system will provide the initial spark or pilot flame to ignite the main burner fuel.

Combustion Air Control

You can choose between dampers and valves for combustion air control. These two distinct products help manage airflow for proper air-fuel mixture. They also regulate the amount of air entering the burner to ensure optimal combustion efficiency and minimize emissions.

Safety Limit Switches

For safety limit switches, you can choose from pressure switches, temperature switches, or flow switches. All types assist in monitoring critical operating parameters. They also act as fail-safe mechanisms. They are designed to automatically shut down the burner if pressure, temperature, or flow exceeds safe limits, preventing potential accidents.

Building Automation System (BAS) Integration

BAS integration enables centralized monitoring and control of burner systems from a designated BAS interface. This allows for data logging, performance analysis, and remote troubleshooting.

What Are Good Troubleshooting Techniques for Optimal Performance?

  • Flame Safeguard Issues:
    • Check for dirty or malfunctioning flame detector.
    • Verify adequate fuel pressure and proper air-fuel mixture.
    • Ensure proper wiring and connections within the flame safeguard system.
  • Fuel Shutoff Valve Problems:
    • Inspect the valve for wear or debris that might impede proper closure.
    • Test the solenoid or motor for proper operation based on the valve type.
    • Verify electrical connections and control signals to the valve.
  • Ignition System Malfunctions:
    • Check for fouled spark plugs or damaged igniter components.
    • Ensure proper gas flow to pilot lights if applicable.
    • Verify adequate voltage reaching the ignition system.
  • Combustion Air Control Problems:
    • Inspect dampers or valves for proper movement and linkage issues.
    • Ensure no obstructions are restricting air intake.
    • Calibrate air flow sensors if integrated into the control system.


Take It One Step Further with Advanced Control Strategies for Enhanced Efficiency

  • Oxygen Trim Control: Utilizes an oxygen sensor to measure exhaust oxygen levels and adjust air-fuel ratio for maximum combustion efficiency.
  • Combustion Ratio Control: Maintains a specific ratio of fuel to air for processes requiring precise temperature control.
  • Cascading Burner Control: Coordinates the operation of multiple burners in a sequence for optimized heat output and fuel usage.
  • Modulating Burner Control: Continuously adjusts fuel flow and air intake based on real-time process demands, maximizing efficiency and minimizing fuel waste.


By understanding the intricacies of burner control components, troubleshooting techniques, and advanced control strategies, you can ensure the safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible operation of your industrial burners. Referencing resources from Kele, Fireye, and other knowledge bases, provides a deeper understanding for specific components and technical specifications. Remember, consulting with a qualified HVAC/BAS technician is crucial for maintaining your burner control system and keeping your industrial processes running smoothly.

Contact Kele today and see how we can help you with your combustion control and flame safety needs—we’ve got you covered!

Check out our Fireye Product Selections

Burner Control Plug In Modules

Discrete Flame Scanners

Flame Amplifiers

Flame Detector Cables

Flame Safeguard Mounting Hardware

Flame Safeguard Primary Controls

Integrated Flame Scanners

Keyboard Display & Operator Interface

RTD Sensors & Transmitters

Don’t Be Tardy: Why Schools Need to Focus on HVAC & BAS Upgrades Now

In today’s educational landscape, creating and maintaining a healthy and efficient learning environment is paramount. This is where HVAC systems and Building Automation Systems (BAS) come into play. Just like staying on top of deadlines for a school project, schools that prioritize their needed retrofits and projects now, will reap significant benefits in the long run.

What exactly is on the agenda for this year’s school bidding season?

  • Aging Infrastructure: Many schools and educational facilities grapple with outdated HVAC systems, leading to inefficiency, increased energy costs, and potential indoor air quality (IAQ) issues.
  • Evolving Educational Needs: Today’s classrooms often incorporate technology and collaborative learning spaces, which require precise temperature and ventilation control for optimal learning conditions and safety concerns.
  • Focus on Sustainability: There’s a growing emphasis on energy efficiency and environmental responsibility for all. Upgrading HVAC and BA systems with energy-saving technologies aligns with these goals.
  • Post-Pandemic Considerations: Improved ventilation and air filtration are crucial for mitigating the spread of airborne illnesses. Modern BAS can optimize these systems for a healthier environment which keep children safe and in school—which is a top priority and concern for educators, parents, and society as a whole

The Center for Climate Integrity conducted a study in 2022 which estimated that by 2025, there is going to be a 39 percent increase in the number of school districts that see 32 or more days over 80 degrees . AND around 1,815 districts (which serve 10.8 million students) will experience three more weeks of over 80 degree school days in 2025.

What are some benefits of upgrading commercial HVAC & BAS items that are on the agenda?

  • Enhanced IAQ: Modern systems provide better air filtration and ventilation, minimizing allergens, pollutants, and airborne pathogens.
  • Improved Thermal Comfort: Precise temperature control ensures a comfortable learning environment for students and staff, which helps to foster better focus and productivity.
  • Increased Energy Efficiency: Advanced technology, equipment, and BAS optimization can significantly reduce energy consumption, leading to substantial cost savings.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Newer systems require less maintenance, meaning that you’ll minimize disruptions and long-term and unexpected expenses.
  • Enhanced Building Intelligence: The right BAS provides real-time data on system performance and maintenance. By enabling proactive maintenance and optimization for peak efficiency, you’ll never be caught unaware.

Don’t wait until report cards are due!

Whether you’re building a new school or retrofitting an existing one, Kele offers customized solutions, so you get what you need. By investing in HVAC and BAS upgrades now, you’ll help position schools and educational facilities for success. Improved learning conditions, reduced costs, and a commitment to sustainability are just a few of the rewards that will be reaped.

Contact Kele today to discuss your school’s specific needs and explore how we can help ensure a healthy, efficient, and future-proof learning environment.


Click the button below to check out our offering for school bidding projects

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Goes Global

IAQ has gone global. No really—as value for IAQ progresses and sees growth worldwide, the industry as a whole is seeing IAQ gain momentum everywhere in real time.

And why is IAQ making waves globally?

 Well according to the EPA’s Science Advisory Board, poor/bad IAQ ranks as a top five environmental risk for public health. In a world where we have to worry about not only high-risk pathogens but also outdoor pollutants like smog and wildfires, IAQ must be able to be able to battle different things all at the same time.

This is why industry governing bodies, like ASHRAE, are on the front lines when it comes to recommending standards that help keep society safe and healthy. One great example deals directly with IAQ in school buildings/facilities. Per ASHRAE regulations, their recommendation for CO2 levels in classrooms is that CO2 levels be kept below 700 parts per million. (For a full list of ASHRAE IAQ requirements click here.) And the craziest thing? The U.S. Green Building Council and OSHA have even stricter requirements when it comes to CO2 levels.

Keep in mind . . .

So here are some helpful tips regarding IAQ to make your life easier! The three principles for good IAQ are:

  • Eliminate—rid the building/facility/room of the source where you can,
  • Ventilate—dilute the pollutant source,
  • Filtrate—filter the air to capture and then rid it of pollutants.

And keep in mind the 12 parameters of IAQ:

  • Room temperature
  • Air movement
  • Relative humidity
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Carbon monoxide (CO)
  • Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10)
  • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Formaldehyde (HCHO)
  • Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
  • Radon (Rn)
  • Airborne bacteria

(For more information on the IAQ certification scheme for offices and public places, click here.)

Save yourself by implementing lifesaving IAQ measures

Market reports and their data have never been more popular for the insights that they can shed light on regarding material source analysis for ecological concerns, manufacturing analysis for code and regulation enforcement, technical data, and more. And any actions that can be taken to eliminate bad IAQ are paramount to the continued effort to keep the public safe when it comes to air quality. For a deeper understanding as to how you can get better IAQ or if you suspect the space you’re in is having IAQ issues, check out this great article put out by the EPA. Protect your health and the health of others by investing in ways to protect against hazards and improve IAQ. Kele is here to help you achieve that goal and maintain it going forward.

Source the parts you need here on or give us a call so we can help you with customized solutions to match your specific scenario. We help make it easy!